Seung-Kyoon Kim

Academic Career

  • Ph.D., 2011.08, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Korea


  • 02/2022, Research Professor, POSTECH, Korea
  • 01/2020, Post Doc. & Research Scientist, UT Southwestern Medical Center, US
  • 05/2014, Post doc, KAIST, Korea

Research Interests

  • Epigenetics (Chromatin Biology) is a study to understand the mechanisms that cause changes in gene expression regulation and post-transcriptional regulation according to various chemical changes in the genome that occur without changing the DNA sequence by various environmental changes or stimuli. In addition, it is a study to understand various normal biological pathways and mechanisms that cause human diseases according to the causal relationship of these epigenetic changes.
  • My research undertakes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of interdisciplinary approaches such as molecular biochemical, genome-wide (Transcriptomic and Epigenomic analyzes), and/or proteomic (Mass-spec based analyses) analysis systems in primary cultured precursor neuron/glia, mouse disease models, or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from patient samples, and mouse behavioral analyses to further examine the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms underlying various brain diseases.

Selected Publication

  • V Gorbovytska, Seung-Kyoon Kim, F Kuybu, M Götze, D Um, K Kang, A Pittroff, L-M Schneider, A Leitner, Tae-Kyung Kim*, Claus-Dieter Kuhn* (Co-first author), Enhancer RNAs stimulate Pol II pause release by harnessing multivalent interactions to NELF. Nat Commun., 2022 May 4;13(1):2429.
  • Seung-Kyoon Kim, X Liu, J Park, D Um, G Kilaru, C-M Chiang, M Kang, K M Huber, Keunsoo Kang*, Tae-Kyung Kim* (Co-first author), Functional coordination of BET family proteins underlies altered transcription associated with memory impairment in Fragile X syndrome. Science Adv., 2021 May 19; 7(21): eabf7346.
  • Seung-Kyoon Kim, Tae-Kyung Kim*, New Molecular Insights into the Excitation-Transcription Coupling. Neuron, 2018 May 2; 98(3): 453 - 456 [Preview].
  • Seung-Kyoon Kim, H Lee, K Han, S C Kim, Y Choi, S-W Park, G Bak, Y Lee, J K Choi, Tae-Kyung Kim, Yong-Mahn Han*, Daeyoup Lee* (Co-first author), SET7/9 methylation of the pluripotency factor LIN28A is a nucleolar localization mechanism that blocks let-7 biogenesis in human ESCs. Cell Stem Cell., 2014 Dec; 15; 735 – 749.
  • Seung-Kyoon Kim, Inkyung Jung, H Lee, K Kang, M Kim, K Jeong, C S Kwon, Y-M Han, Y S Kim, D Kim, Daeyoup Lee* (Co-first author), Human histone H3K79 methyltransferase DOT1L protein binds actively transcribing RNA polymerase II to regulate gene expression. J Biol Chem., 2012 Nov 16; 287 (47): 39698 - 39709.
  • Inkyung Jung, Seung-Kyoon Kim, Mirang Kim, Yong-Mahn Han, Yong Sung Kim, Dongsup Kim*, Daeyoup Lee* (Co-first author), H2B mono-ubiquitylation is a 5’-enriched active transcription mark and correlates with exon-intron structure in human cells. Genome Res., 2012 Jun; 22 (6): 1026 - 1035.